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Deployed at thousands of locations across the globe, PIPEMINDER-ONE data loggers provide intelligent data, alarms, and insights to transform network visibility.

Our solutions offer a broad range of applications including network calming, asset performance tracking, acoustic leak detection and much more.


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{{isTruncated ? openText : closeText}}
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{{isTruncated ? openText : closeText}}
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Displaying {{pageRange}} of {{data.totalResults}}

PIPEMINDER-ONE External Transient Sensor Data Logger
Wireless communication via cellular (up to 4G)
Wireless communication via cellular (up to 4G)
Battery-Powered (choice of rechargeable or single use)
Battery-Powered (choice of rechargeable or single use)
Operating Temperature
-20...66° C
-4...150° F
PIPEMINDER-ONE Hydrant Sensor Data Logger
Wireless communication via cellular (up to 4G)
Wireless communication via cellular (up to 4G)
Battery-Powered (integrated rechargeable)
Battery-Powered (integrated rechargeable)
Operating Temperature
0...66° C
32...150° F
PIPEMINDER-ONE Acoustic Sensor Data Logger
Wireless communication via cellular (up to 4G)
Wireless communication via cellular (up to 4G)
Battery-Powered (choice of rechargeable or single use)
Battery-Powered (choice of rechargeable or single use)
Operating Temperature
-20...66° C
-4...150° F
PIPEMINDER-ONE Standard Transient Sensor Data Logger
Wireless communication via cellular (up to 4G)
Wireless communication via cellular (up to 4G)
Battery-Powered (choice of rechargeable or single use)
Battery-Powered (choice of rechargeable or single use)
Operating Temperature
0...66° C
32...150° F

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