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FilterSmart Backwash Monitor

FilterSmart Backwash Monitor is a unique and powerful application of the industry-leading EchoSmart Interface Level Analyzer. Combining underwater ultrasonic level sensing with turbidity measurement, FilterSmart is revolutionizing gravity filter management.

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    Filter Backwash, Turbidity

Gravity Filter Backwash Monitor

The FilterSmart Backwash Monitor is revolutionizing the way water professionals manage their gravity filters. FilterSmart directly measures the parameters of actual interest: media expansion and turbidity. These two trends together present a clear picture of what’s going on during the backwash, allowing operators to ‘see’ into the process like never before. FilterSmart simplifies filter optimization because its 24/7 monitoring takes the place of countless manual hours of data collection.

The FilterSmart sensor is located in the top of a gravity filter just below the top of the wash trough. During a backwash, the ultrasonic sensor tracks the level of the media and the turbidity sensor measures how clean or dirty the wash water is as it flows into the wash trough. These two measurements produce trends that together provide an extremely accurate profile of the backwash and become a powerful tool for optimizing filter performance. Equipped with this insight, operators can virtually eliminate media loss and mud-ball formation, in most cases reduce water usage, and improve overall filter health and efficiency.


  • Directly measures media expansion and turbidity
  • Eliminates media loss and mud-ball formation
  • Better long-term filter health and efficiency
  • 24/7 monitoring
  • Simplifies filter optimization

Market Applications

  • Environmental Monitoring

    ​Environmental monitoring solutions are designed to protect the world’s most precious resource. Instruments are deployable throughout the network to measure a variety of parameters, collect baseline data and deliver a deeper understanding of trends that enable early event detection and response.

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  • Wastewater Treatment

    Wastewater treatment facilities feature complex operational processes involving a wide range of flow measurement, water quality monitoring and toxic gas detection solutions, designed to conserve water, increase regulatory compliance and safeguard water quality, people and the environment. From individual monitors to multiparameter measurement, our versatile solutions deliver continuous and proactive monitoring for early event detection, odor control, pollution prevention, chemical management and toxic gas detection.

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  • Industrial Process

    The measurement and monitoring of flow, water quality and toxic and combustible gas plays a vital role in industrial processes for consistent delivery of quality control, personnel safety, environmental protection, process monitoring and optimization. Our comprehensive range of robust, real-time and reliable instrumentation provides dependable solutions that are easy to install, simple to maintain, creates safe areas of work and deliver increased regulation compliance.

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  • Industrial Pre-Treatment

    Industrial pre-treatment is a crucial stage in the water cycle, occurring before wastewater enters municipal treatment facilities. It involves the removal of contaminants, pollutants, and other harmful substances from industrial wastewater streams to meet regulatory standards and protect the environment. This process typically includes physical, chemical, and biological treatment methods tailored to specific industrial processes and pollutants. By effectively pre-treating industrial wastewater, we can safeguard water quality, prevent damage to treatment infrastructure, and ensure the overall health of ecosystems downstream.

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  • Drinking Water Treatment

    Drinking water treatment facilities have the critical job of producing a safe supply of high-quality drinking water. Complex operational processes demand the highest flow meter accuracy and reliability, as well as long-term stability and a low cost of ownership. Badger Meter water treatment solutions meet the challenge, assisting utility customers with increasing compliance levels, protecting treatment assets and providing opportunities for process optimization using predictive analytics.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Given that our facility is on a tight budget, can we afford the FilterSmart equipment?
Even when installing the FilterSmart equipment on multiple filters, the water savings alone can pay for the equipment at most facilities in less than a year after optimizing the backwash sequence.

Is it necessary to install a FilterSmart sensor on every filter?
While not necessary, it can be very beneficial. Determining the optimal wash sequence for one filter does not mean the same parameters will transfer exactly to other filters since loading and filter dynamics vary and can also change seasonally.

Besides optimizing the backwash procedure, are there any other benefits of FilterSmart?
In addition to the cost savings of backwash optimization, the data obtained from FilterSmart can be useful in identifying problems that might exist with valves and pumps.

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Specifications | English FilterSmart Power Supply
Specifications | English FilterSmart Controller
Specifications | English FilterSmart Sensor
Specifications | English Sensor Guardrail Mount

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Updated October 10, 2024 | 1.24 MB FilterSmart Trend Download v2.0.0 FilterSmart See Release Notes
Updated October 10, 2024 | 1.24 MB FilterSmart Trend Download v2.0.0 FilterSmart See Release Notes

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We take the recommended flow rate and wash duration and add a safety factor to it - isn’t that enough to ensure a sufficient wash since more is better?
When the flow rate is too high, there’s a higher likelihood of washing out media. When the wash duration is longer than necessary, valuable treated water is wasted both during the wash and during the filter ripening time post-wash.

We already get turbidity measurements on our effluent - why would we need to see the filter turbidity?
An in-filter turbidity measurement provides immediate feedback during a backwash on when the filter is clean. Additionally, leaving a small amount of turbidity in the filter can help to ripen the filter.

We use organ pipes or a white disc on a telescoping pole to measure media expansion - why would we need anything more?
Air scouring and surface washes stir up organic matter that can be visually interpreted as media, leading to a false sense of expansion. FilterSmart sensors can distinguish between the true expanded media elevation and organic matter being washed out of the filter.

Why do I need any more information than the engineer’s specification on the backwash protocol?
This information is a great starting point. Media age, pump performance, and other backwash characteristics can change seasonally and over time. The data from FilterSmart provides current data on filter performance instead of just a one-time calculation.

Why is getting sufficient expansion important?
Adequate expansion ensures proper cleaning of the filter media, can increase filter run times, and prevents mud ball formation.

What outputs are available on the FilterSmart system?
Current measurements can be obtained via Modbus RTU from the Controller or via 4-20mA outputs from each sensor connection. Two 4-20mA outputs are available at each sensor connection with one being dedicated to the turbidity value and the other customizable for media level, media expansion, or expansion percentage.

How often do the FilterSmart sensors need to be cleaned?
It is recommended that the sensors be inspected frequently the first 6 months to establish the necessary cleaning regimen for the specific application. Ensuring the measurement surface of the sensor remains clear of any buildup and that the wiper arm is allowed to rotate freely will allow for uninterrupted performance.