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Customer Care representatives are available by phone Monday–Friday, from 9am–5pm CST.

(800) 616–3837

Field Verification Device

Designed for use with the ModMAG® M2000 and M5000 meters, this handheld device allows you to perform a series of field verification and analytical performance tests on site, in less than 20 minutes.

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  • Dimensions
    210 × 102 × 39 mm
    8.3 × 4 × 1.5 in.
  • Weight
    450 g
    15.9 oz.
  • Display
    Backlit LCD | Resolution = 240 × 128 pixel, visible area 38 × 72 mm
    Backlit LCD | Resolution = 240 × 128 pixel, visible area 38 × 72 mm
  • Battery
    Rechargeable internal Li-pol accumulator with a charging time of four hours (USB or AC-wall) or two hours (automobile utility adapter)
    Rechargeable internal Li-pol accumulator with a charging time of four hours (USB or AC-wall) or two hours (automobile utility adapter)
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Our handheld field verification device:

  • Determines if the meter amplifier is within one percent of the original factory calibration
  • Verifies the functionality of all meter inputs and outputs
  • Measures electrode resistance and integrity
  • Measures coil resistance and integrity
  • Measures coil insulation resistance
  • Measures current and frequency output
  • Evaluates the signal processing functionality
  • Provides pass/fail results to aid in troubleshooting


Showing units in {{labelText}}
  • Dimensions
    210 × 102 × 39 millimeters
    8.3 × 4 × 1.5 inches
  • Weight
    450 g 
    15.9 oz.
  • Display
    Backlit LCD | Resolution = 240 × 128 pixel, visible area 38 × 72 mm
    Backlit LCD | Resolution = 240 × 128 pixel, visible area 38 × 72 mm
  • Battery
    Rechargeable internal Li-pol accumulator with a charging time of four hours (USB or AC-wall) or two hours (automobile utility adapter)
    Rechargeable internal Li-pol accumulator with a charging time of four hours (USB or AC-wall) or two hours (automobile utility adapter)

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Firmware | Version v1.0.31 | Updated February 5, 2024 | 103 KB ModMAG Field Verification Device Firmware ModMAG See Release Notes
Firmware | Version v1.0.31 | Updated February 5, 2024 | 103 KB ModMAG Field Verification Device Firmware ModMAG See Release Notes

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