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ChlorNet Portable Chlorine Monitor

ChlorNet provides portable, accurate, reliable and real-time chlorine data within the network, helping water companies to improve water quality before it reaches the customer.

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Portable Chlorine Monitoring

ChlorNet is the first continuous battery-powered, portable chlorine monitor that gives the same measurement performance as a fixed monitor, without compromising measurement.

ChlorNet provides accurate, reliable and real-time data, helping water companies to improve water quality before it gets to the customer. The robust, waterproof monitor allows changes in chlorine levels to be continuously monitored, while being alerted to any emerging problems by an alarm.

When used in conjunction with a modem and a web portal, ChlorNet can geo-locate an event, indicating in which part of the network it is occurring. Using the same footprint as our market-leading fixed chlorine monitor, ChlorNet is a low-powered, mini version that offers excellent, unrivaled results.


  • Portable, online chlorine monitoring for distribution networks
  • Suitable for chlorine investigatory work
  • Lift and shift flexibility for multiple sites
  • Compact and easy to install


Market Applications

  • Drinking Water Treatment

    Drinking water treatment facilities have the critical job of producing a safe supply of high-quality drinking water. Complex operational processes demand the highest flow meter accuracy and reliability, as well as long-term stability and a low cost of ownership. Badger Meter water treatment solutions meet the challenge, assisting utility customers with increasing compliance levels, protecting treatment assets and providing opportunities for process optimization using predictive analytics.

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  • Distribution Network Monitoring

    Water distribution systems must be monitored and maintained to minimize water loss, reduce the risk of contamination and ensure public health. Our innovative range of monitors and measurement devices, including probes and sensors, provides complete, engineered and reagent-free solutions for all your distribution monitoring needs. From individual monitors for process control to multiparameter measurement for distribution systems, our monitoring systems provide the versatility to meet a variety of water applications from source to tap.

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