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Chlorine Dioxide

Chlorine Dioxide is a powerful oxidizing agent used for the disinfection of potable water, cooling towers, process water and food processing.

Chlorine Dioxide
Chloride Dioxide (ClO2) is used in drinking water treatment as a disinfectant and oxidizing agent to prevent the growth of bacteria within the distribution system. As Chlorine Dioxide is less corrosive than chlorine, it is also often used for the control of Legionella bacteria.

Chlorine Dioxide is approximately 10 times more soluble in water than chlorine. It is not affected by pH, has an excellent residual effect, remains active for hours to days, does not interact with ammonia or ammonium and is effective in cold temperatures.

Monitoring and maintaining ClO2 residual in difficult ‘dirty’ applications, including hospitals or the food industry, is vital. Continuous monitoring and measurement ensures the effective use of chlorine dioxide for disinfection purposes, along with other applications. Under dosage can be ineffective and over dosage results in excess Chlorite by-product formation.


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chlodi::lyser Chlorine Dioxide Sensor
Chlorine Dioxide, Temperature
Chlorine Dioxide, Temperature
M-Node Smart Sensors
CIO2, Combined Chlorine, Conductivity, F-, Free Chlorine, H2O2, NO2-N/NO2, O2, O3, ORP, PAA, pH, Pressure, Total Chlorine, Turbidity
CIO2, Combined Chlorine, Conductivity, F-, Free Chlorine, H2O2, NO2-N/NO2, O2, O3, ORP, PAA, pH, Pressure, Total Chlorine, Turbidity
MetriNet Multiparameter Water Quality Monitor
CIO2, Chlorine, Conductivity, Dissolved Ammonia, NO2-N/NO2, ORP, PAA, pH, Pressure, Residual Sulfite, Turbidity, UV254
CIO2, Chlorine, Conductivity, Dissolved Ammonia, NO2-N/NO2, ORP, PAA, pH, Pressure, Residual Sulfite, Turbidity, UV254
micro::station Monitoring Station for Drinking Water
BTX, ClO2, Color, Conductivity, DOC, F-, FCl/TCL, Fingerprint, FTU/NTU, H2O2, H2S2, K+, NH4-N, NO2-N/NO2, NO3-N/NO3, O2, O3, PAA, pH, Pressure, Redox, Temperature, TOC, UV254
BTX, ClO2, Color, Conductivity, DOC, F-, FCl/TCL, Fingerprint, FTU/NTU, H2O2, H2S2, K+, NH4-N, NO2-N/NO2, NO3-N/NO3, O2, O3, PAA, pH, Pressure, Redox, Temperature, TOC, UV254
micro::station Monitoring Station for Wastewater
BTX, ClO2, Color, Conductivity, DOC, FCl/TCL, Fingerprint, FTU/NTU, H2O2, H2S2, HS, K+, NH4-N, NO2-N, NO3-N, O2, Salinity, pH, Pressure, PSU, Redox, Temperature, TOC, TSS, UV254
BTX, ClO2, Color, Conductivity, DOC, FCl/TCL, Fingerprint, FTU/NTU, H2O2, H2S2, HS, K+, NH4-N, NO2-N, NO3-N, O2, Salinity, pH, Pressure, PSU, Redox, Temperature, TOC, TSS, UV254
nano::station Monitoring Station
ClO2, Color, Conductivity, DOC, FCl, FTU/NTU, H2O2, PAA, pH, UV254, Redox, TOC, UV Transmission, TCL, Temperature
ClO2, Color, Conductivity, DOC, FCl, FTU/NTU, H2O2, PAA, pH, UV254, Redox, TOC, UV Transmission, TCL, Temperature
Q45H/65 Chlorine Dioxide Transmitter
CIO2, Temperature
CIO2, Temperature
Q46H/65 Chlorine Dioxide Monitor
SiteBox Portable Water Quality Monitor
CIO2, Chlorine, Conductivity, Dissolved Ammonia, Dissolved Sulfide, F-, NO2-N/NO2, O2, O3, ORP, PAA, pH, Pressure, Turbidity, UV254
CIO2, Chlorine, Conductivity, Dissolved Ammonia, Dissolved Sulfide, F-, NO2-N/NO2, O2, O3, ORP, PAA, pH, Pressure, Turbidity, UV254

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